Back in the Saddle

Another new year is underway. I can't believe this is the beginning of our tenth year of homeschooling. That's right. TENTH!!! Where have the years gone???

K is in 8th grade, but working on her first few high school credits this year, including a half credit in Spanish! I'm so proud of her. It's like something clicked in her when the words "high school" were muttered, and she does so much more without me having to constantly remind her.

H is really coming out of her shell this year. She's taking a performance-heavy load of classes at our co-op, including worship dance, hand bell choir, and choir. She really seems to be enjoying them all, too. She's come a long way from the girl who picked gymnastics over dance because gymnastics didn't have a recital!

And then there's the little guy. J is beginning kindergarten. In addition, he's taking tae kwon do, a science class called Growing Up Wild, a music and movement class, and Lego club. Most weeks he doesn't really want to be dropped off, but he's getting better at it all the time.

 I really can't wait to see what the year brings in terms of development for all three of them!

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